Concord Falls

To get to Concord Falls you definitely need a car or to go up with a tour, no buses run up to it. If you are going by car you turn right at the town of Concord and follow the road all the way up. The road is narrow and you should take note of where you could give way, as you may need to back up if you meet another vehicle.

If you aren't driving or are the passenger there are lots of nutmeg trees on the way up if you watch for the pretty yellow fruit.

At the falls there are a number of vendors with small wooden stores selling various goods. I always think you should plan to spend $20 XCD when you visit a place, to help with the local economy.

There are washrooms and change rooms available as you can swim under the falls. There is a small fee about $2.50 to go right down to the falls. There are lots of stairs so if mobility or knees are an issue you should think twice.

At the bottom are divers who will jump off the top of the falls. Pay them $10-20 XCD, it is how they make their living and it is pretty amazing to watch.
Diver at Concord Falls

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